Barry County

Scoreboard, Feb. 12

The Cassville boys wrestling team competed in a triad with Bolivar and Logan-Rogersville on Thursday, the final regular- season action before the Class 2, District 3 Tournament Feb. 21-22.
Read MoreScoreboard, Feb. 12

Kyle Troutman: Is the credit worth it?

AState Senate Bill enacted in August 2023 is finally getting its time under the spotlight in Barry County. SB 190, and the August 2024 revision called Senate Bill 756, created a new property tax credit for seniors 62 and older, allowing those who are eligible, to apply and are approved to essentially have their real estate property tax levies frozen at the time of approval.
Read MoreKyle Troutman: Is the credit worth it?

Thang wins Purdy Spelling Bee

On Jan. 28, Purdy Elementary held its annual Spelling Bee. The winner was Solomon Thang, a fifth-grader from Abigail Buntin’s class. The runner-up was Kiya Lee’Jace Atkins. The other participants were: Bildad Chan, Thayer Friely, Mark Jenkins, Win Htet, Kaden Rosewicz, Violet Adams, and Thierry Thigpen. The Spell Master was Susan Funkhouser.
Read MoreThang wins Purdy Spelling Bee

Through the Years, Feb. 5

40 YEARS AGO: VISITORS COME ASHORE FOR LUNCH — Grazing on a campground area near Eagle Rock Landing, these Canadian geese have been attracting considerable attention the last few weeks. Their trips from the water to the land area result in grazing over grass areas and paying little attention to spectators who drive through the area. They probably feel secure, as the fellow at upper left, was constantly eyeing their observers this particular day.
Read MoreThrough the Years, Feb. 5