law enforcement

Sheriff: ‘We’re fully staffed’

Following an election year with a new jail under construction, Sheriff Danny Boyd said his Office is hitting the ground running in 2025. Staving off challengers in a four-candidate race — ultimately winning the August Primary Election by 48 votes among more than 6,000 after a hand and machine recount — Boyd said for the next four years in office, transparency and increasing service are his key goals.
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Man charged for car theft

A Fulton man has been arrested and charged with a felony after allegedly stealing a vehicle from a victim in Barry County, a crime for which he is on probation for a previous conviction. Richard Burwell, born 1993, of Fulton, is charged with first-degree tampering with a motor vehicle.
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Local law enforcement takes oath

At the Barry County Judicial Center on Dec. 31, 2024, Barry County Sheriff’s Office deputies, officers with the Ozarks Drug Enforcement Team and police officers from Monett, Cassville, Purdy and Wheaton recited their oaths for the coming year, led by Barry County Circuit Clerk Craig Williams. Contributed photo
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Kyle Troutman: Jail time

Last Wednesday, I spent some unexpected time in jail. Following a ribbon cutting to officially celebrate the newly constructed Barry County Sheriff’s Office and jail on Old Exeter Road, attendees were invited to tour the facility.
Read MoreKyle Troutman: Jail time