
Through the years, April 10

40 YEARS AGO: COFFERDAM AT CREEK BRIDGE PROJECT — Workmen (at right) install the first part of a cofferdam at the Flat Creek bridge replacement on Sales Barn Road in Cassville. The area in which concrete is to be poured has now been completely circled and pumping has started.
Read MoreThrough the years, April 10

Through the Years, March 27

40 YEARS AGO: AMPLE WATER PROVIDES FALL--Spring moisture in the area makes every runnable stream flowing at near full tilt these days. One example is a 90-foot waterfall from atop the spring bluff at Roaring River State Park. This photo Monday shows a healthy stream of water cascading past well worn rock bluffs. Merle Rogers, park naturalist, said the stream is flowing about 35 million gallons of water daily. Average for the spring is 22 million. Contributing to the water situation is the 7.07 inches of rainfall and snow moisture measured in March. Thus far in April, readings Monday were 1.11, says Mary Ann Thomas of the U.S. Forest Service. For the year rainfall stands at 12.55 inches. This March was the wettest since the 7.48 inches recorded in 1978.
Read MoreThrough the Years, March 27

Through the years, March 6

50 YEARS AGO: DONORS PORTRAIT AT ROARING RIVER — Members of the family of the late Dr. T. M. Sayman presented an oil painting to Roaring River State Park Saturday. The late Dr. Sayman gave the initial park acreage to the State of Missouri in 1928. Attending the presentation ceremony from the left are: Norman Chaney, park concessionaire; Joe R. Ellis, Missouri park board member; James Woods, park superintendent; lady Peter Smithers, Dr. Sayman’s daughter; and Major and Mrs. C. Dennison Lane, he’s the late donor’s
Read MoreThrough the years, March 6

Smokestack toppled

The Old Possum House at East and 9th streets saw its longstanding smokestack fall to the ground last week. The structure, which was the original electric power to Cassville and the C&W Railroad in the 1800s. It has since been home to businesses Maggie’s Place, the Alley Bar, Memories and Caroline’s, but had fallen into disrepair. Special Enterprises, an excavation business based in Cape Fair, bid $68,800 to the city for its demolition. Kyle Troutman/ktroutman@cassville-democrat.com
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Through the years, Feb. 21

30 YEARS AGO: FUTURE FARMERS - National FFA Week begins Sunday, February 19, and continues through the week of Washington’s birth-day. Cassville’s FFA chapter is 96 members strong, according to chapter advisor Gene Courdin, making it one of the high school’s largest clubs.
Read MoreThrough the years, Feb. 21

Cassville powerhouse being demolished

A last remnant of Cassville’s railroad is undergoing demolition. Jim Hiers and his wife, Lora, who own and operate Special Enterprises, an excavation business based in Cape Fair, submitted the winning bid of $68,800 to the City of Cassville to tear down the long-abandoned, derelict structure at the corner of East and 9th Streets.
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Hall to fall

Nearly two years after being destroyed by a fire, the Hall Theatre’s demolition is imminent. The city of Cassville has been in a legal battle over the building, and Owner Travis James has failed to comply with a court order to demolish the structure, allowing the city legal standing to take it down.
Read MoreHall to fall