4 vie for sheriff

Publisher’s Note: As of June 26, Mike McGuire has ended his run for Barry County Sheriff.

The incumbent sheriff and three challengers have filed in Barry County, each hoping to be elected in the Aug. 6 Republican Primary and four year’s at the county’s lead law enforcement officer.

In order of filing, candidates include: Mike McGuire, current Cassville Police Department officer; Randy Kalbaugh, current Stone County deputy; James Morgan, current captain of criminal investigations division at Delaware County Sheriff’s Office; and Boyd, current sheriff elected in 2020 while a detective at the Cassville Police Department.

The first to file, McGuire’s background is largely in Washington state, five years ad a reserve deputy, four years as a corrections officer and six years as a deputy. He is currently an officer at the Cassville police department after having spent 15 months as a Barry County deputy.

Kalbaugh has been in law enforcement for 28 years and worked 15 in Barry County. He was a lieutenant for seven years, field training officer for 10 years, chief of Seligman for two years and assistant chief of Washburn for two years. He was also a supervisor in Jasper County from 1996-1998 and training officer in Clay County from 2000-2007.

Morgan graduated the New Sheriff’s Academy in Edmond, Okla., in 2022. Along with work- ing for Delaware County currently, Morgan has a degree in criminal justice, more than 2,000 hours of training and serves on the US Marshals Task Force and Oklahoma Drug and Violent Crimes Task Force.

Boyd has attended the MO Southern State Law Enforcement Academy, the MO State Highway Patrol Academy, New Sheriff’s Training and the mandated yearly Sheriff’s training. He has received certification in Crime Scene Investigation, a Certified Computer Voice Stress Analysis (CVSA) operator, First Line Supervisor, Field Training Officer, Death Scene Investigation, FBI Supervisor Training and REIDS Interview and Interrogation Techniques Training. Boyd has almost 30 years experience in State, County and Municipal Law and said he is up to date on Missouri State Law and the Sunshine Law, as well as his yearly Missouri Post Continuing Education.

As a law enforcement officer in the area for three decades as a trooper, deputy and officer with the cities of Monett and Cassville, Boyd said criminal justice is a major part of his life.

“Law enforcement has always been in my blood,” he said. “In the capacity as your sheriff, we have been able to build a new jail and Sheriff’s Office to better secure inmates, pass a law enforcement sales tax to get our deputies better salaries to be equivalent to larger municipalities and other sheriff’s offices, new computers in each road officer’s patrol cars, and new hand guns and AR rifles for each road officer. I want to be re-elected as your sheriff, because we are just getting started on other accomplishments to bring about a safer, more secure community.”

Morgan said his motivation for running for sheriff is due to the amount of crime in the county.

“Barry County is my home,” he said. “When I was growing up, everyone helped their neighbors and you didn’t worry about people stealing your property or breaking into your house. This is why I am running for Barry County Sheriff. The crime in our county is out of control and the citizens deserve a sheriff that will stand up for them. You won’t find me sitting behind a desk, I’ll be a working sheriff. We will work with the other agencies in an effort to make Barry County a safer place. It’s time to take our county back.”

Kalbaugh said after spending 15 years in Barry County, he has waited for his opportunity, which is now.

“I see the potential of this office being a great place to work,” he said. “I am loyal, trustworthy, honest, and easy to approach. I have set back and waited for my opportunity to come for this office, and now it is time. I have not been born and/ or raised in Barry County, so no good old boys will be in place. I have first-hand observed crime increase and the law enforcement decrease. Everyone says they want change. All past Barry County Sheriffs have been born and raised in Barry County. If you want change, then elect me because, as I said, I am not a native of Barry County and I want to change the future.”

McGuire said he filed because he hopes to make a difference.

“I believe I can make a difference by being able to retain deputies long term,” he said. “I love law enforcement, love helping people and putting criminals in jail. I care about the community.”

With all four candidates filing as Republican, the race will essentially be decided on Aug. 6, at the Republican Primary, with the winner running uncontested in the Nov. 5 General Election. The winner will take office in January 2025.

McGuire said if elected, his immediate goals would revolve around budgeting and coverage.

“I will spend tax payer money wisely,” he said. “I want to have a deputy in the north, south, east and west areas of the county in every shift for shorter response times.”

Kalbaugh has a list of goals and plans that include starting a civilian academy, starting or supporting neighborhood watch programs, implementing a Barry Countyonly drug task force, sending deputies to training, hiring more road deputies, implementing a fugitive unit for serving warrants, requiring 40 hours of training for corrections officers, starting a GED program in the jail, and more.

“I will get at least 4 more detectives and to separate the county into sections, so each detective has an area that they are covering to further improve and promote a more cohesive investigation,” he said. “I am a law enforcement person, so I will not be in the office from 8 to 4 Monday through Friday.

I will work evenings, overnights, and weekends. I will lead by example not by demand. I will ask, not demand deputies, who do not have a church home, to meet me at the office, we will pick a church on Sunday and go to the church as a department. Then next Sunday pick another church. My hope Is for deputies to find a church to call home. I will be fiscally responsible with the Sheriff’s department budget and see to it that the county’s money is being used for the betterment of the safety and security of our people. The money to do all of this and more is already in the Sheriff’s department budget.”

Morgan said his top priority would be building a team and making the county safe.

“I want to build a team that works together and restores trust in the Sheriff’s Office,” he said. “I will always be transparent with the public and have an open-door policy. We will make Barry County a safe place again by taking criminals off the streets and hold them accountable for their actions.”

Boyd said his No. 1 goal if re-elected is to target drug and property crime in the county.

“I want to fight the battle of the amount of drugs coming into our County,” he said. “My goal is to add more detectives and send them to training to be more up to date on the different drugs that are being brought in to the County. Even though my department had the biggest drug bust in Barry County history, there is still more work to be done.”

One comment

  1. With the election being basically decided during the August primaries does that mean that Republicans only will decide who the sheriff is and democrats or independents won’t be able to vote in a effective way. For instance I (an independent voter) have strong feelings about who I want in office (and who I DONT want) will I not be able to choose from one of the four?

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