Through the years, April 10

50 years ago

April 17, 1974


In the next few days, the Eagle Rock community will have their rural fire department in operation. Equipment is being rushed to completion and a firehouse is in the process of construction. Most importantly, an alarm system that will contact 10 volunteers when the fire number is dialed, was available for service Monday through Continental Telephone Co. The new community service boasts over 100 members at this time. Members and private contributions have provided approximately $8,000 for the program that will include equipment purchase, furnishing and the building. Memberships remain available on the basis of $25 initially and $12 a year thereafter. The volunteer group will serve both the Eagle Rock, Mano and Golden communities along the shores of Table Rock Lake. Elmo Powers of Golden is the group’s president. A big boost for the effort came from the Missouri Conservation Commission which provided a truck and equipment for combating brush fires. A tank installation and other gear will be provided by available funds. Assisting Powers in the program are other officers: Bill Davis, vice-president, Ray Farwell, treasurer; Mrs. Edwards, secretary; Manuel Hurley, building chairman and Harold Edwards, member chairman. Officers and chairmen also are members of the governing board. Volunteers operating the telephones include: Mid-America Real Estate, Thompson Lakeview Trading Post, Barry County Package, Elmo Powers, Wilhelm Package, Lazy Eagle Resort, The Outpost, Hurley’s Motel, Walter Far-well and Shumaker Service Station. On calls, these will relay information to other numbers in the three communities served by the fire department. Further assistance in formation of the force and projected training has been Jerry Monterastelli, forester with the Missouri Conservation Commission. This department has helped with the formation of the group, equipment and will provide training.


Cassville’s new paper recycling plant, operated by United Paper Co., is in full operation. Owners Chuck Hazelbaker and Kenneth Cranshaw say routes are being scheduled for pickup of all types paper from groups, organizations and individuals. The plant is located at County Farm Road and West 14th Street. Two heavy duty balers have been installed at the location to handle paper of all types. Persons desiring this method to dispose of paper need not bundle. All paper, except magazines, are accepted for recycling purposes. Heavy ink content of magazines does not permit their use. Proceeds of the paper can be available to the organization of the donor’s choice. Many business interests are making contributions of cardboard boxes to the Chamber of Commerce. Hazelbaker says groups are especially encouraged to conduct paper drives as fund raising efforts with United Paper making pick-ups at central locations and paying for the effort and results. In addition to the owners, Larry Lyons is employed with the new Cassville firm. Hazelbaker is making contacts for other pickup efforts throughout this area.


A former Clinton, Mo. family are new owners of the Park Road Courts in Cassville. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hendry have purchased the operation from Mr. and Mrs. Hack Terry. The Hendrys come to Cassville after being involved in the auto parts business for eight years in Clinton. They have been active in many programs in that community. The family includes five children, ages 15 to two years. Extensive remodeling of the interior of the 12 existing units is presently underway according to the new owners. Park Road Courts are located on Highway 112 between Cassville and Hilltop. Hendry said current plans also include construction of a swimming pool at the court, with completion dates anticipated as 30 days from now. Mr. and Mrs. Hendry also acquired the new modern home at the location.

40 years ago

April 18, 1984


A Springfield couple, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Craig, have purchased Sears Catalog Store in Cassville from Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nickols. Transfer of the South Main Street business was effective this week. Mr. and Mrs. Craig will move here to make their home in the near future. Craig, a graduate of Drury College, has been associated in the electronics and merchandise business for the past 11 years. He and Mrs. Craig have three young children. Mr. and Mrs. Nickols will devote full-time to their accommodation and store concession operation at Roaring River State Park. They had operated the local Sears outlet for the past two years.


Cassville was among the fortunate of Barry County locations Friday. For most of the morning no long distance telephone services was available elsewhere. Damage to lines feeding microwave transmission towers in the Miller area disrupted services transmitted by this method. Cassville’s not complete switch to micro-service resulted in toll service continuing here, according to a spokesman for Continental Telephone Company.


A new recreation facility, Cassville Sports Center, will open within the next few weeks, according to owner Patricia Evans. Located adjacent to the city park, the planned venture will include four batting cages and a mini-golf course of nine holes. Ms. Evans said the site, one acre purchased recently from Cassville MFA Ex-change, was undergoing preparations Tuesday. Target date for opening will be within three weeks. The owner said equipment for the coin-operated baseball batting cages and golf activity was in-hand and would be installed on the site as quickly as possible. An office-concession building will be constructed.

30 years ago

April 6, 1994


Pre-construction meetings between the Barry County commission, Missouri Highway Department and Brock Construction Co. of Sedalia, have set a start on a new Flat Creek bridge in McDonald Road district, according to presiding commissioner Lloyd Dilbeck. The $180,000 project is slated to start April 25. Involved will be construction of a 116 foot double-T bridge over 20 driven pilings. The project will be paid under an 80-20 program with the federal bridge program paying the major share, the county the minor share. County funding comes out of a bridge fund that shares road sales tax revenue. Missouri administers the program. Design of the structure was by Harrington-Cortelou Co. of Kansas City with George Ulmer of Miller-Newell and Associates of Cassville as resident consultant. Replacing a low-water structure just south of the Norman Sturgell home, the structure is three-quarters of a mile south of Star City.


Three of four parcels of land being acquired by Cassville city govemment as airport runway prolection zones have been acquired and the facility is now targeted for an April completion that will mainly depend on weather conditions. City clerk Jo Ledgerwood said this week the land areas has been acquired and patching of the existing runway has closed the facility since Friday. Land acquired for the approach zone areas included: Mr. and Mrs. Gene Schlichtman .32 acres, $1,000 for an area of land that is 66.4 feet at widest point, down to a zero point and 465 feet long. Kathy Mattingly Hynes, 10 acres, $49,600 for an area 657 feet by 656 feet. Property includes an old dwelling, shed and mobile home. Mr. and Mrs. Troy Sapp, 2.6 acres, $4,750 for an area of land 520 feet by 225 feet. Yet to be procured is a sliver of land containing 1.53 acres, at the widest point being 131 feet, down to ¿ zero point and 760 feet long. This parcel is owned by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Weddington. Cassville’s runway extension project is down to the finishing stage with 600 feet of new runway at the west end, plus a turn around area. Lighting extensions and overlays of the existing runway will be accomplished under a $582,644 contract with Snyder Construction Co. of Joplin. Masters-Jackson Paving of Joplin holds paving and overlay subcontracts for the project. Engineering contracts call for $51,619 through the firm of Bucher, Willis, Ratliff of Kansas city. These expenditures and land costs will be under a program of 90 percent paid by the federal government and five percent each from the State of Missouri and city of Cassville. Completion targeted in April will push the runway to 3600 feet and the city owning approach zones instead of holding easements. The project is the first major work since lighting was added in 1979. The airport became a reality for the community in 1975. Present involvement includes CASCO Developers of Cassville holding fuel contracts that are coordinated by Dale Estein, private aviation enthusiast. CASCO also owns an open hanger complex at the airport which will revert to city ownership in December 1997. Bruce Lebsack leases a private enclosed hanger for an air service business. Two years in the making, project backing came from Cassville manufacturing concerns, financial institutions and private aviation to have the runways extended. Aviation interests point toward the city acquiring additional land on the west end of the project as a possible future extension. That possibility would require moving a county road and utility lines. In the original airport plan, a second runway, running north and south was designed, but that part of the plan has not been accepted by Cassville or considered necessary at this point. Should general aviation show additional growth in years to come the plan is developed. George Ulmer, consultant for Miller-Newell and Associates of Cassville, designers of the original facility, said the second runway design called for a 3,200 foot run-way, 60 feet wide. He noted that project was designed 20 years ago and undoubtedly would require additional length if ever considered necessary.


Winter isn’t done with the Ozarks, as Barry Countians discovered Wednesday morning with a light dusting of snow on the ground. The cold snap followed two periods of rain that brought April showers to the 2.01 inch level. Rick Linebarger of the U.S. Forest Service in Cassville, said the rains came in .74 over the weekend and 1.27 inches in showers Monday. For the year, rainfall measured at the Cassville ranger district of Mark Twain National Forest stands at 9.44 inches. Linebarger said that was about one inch over average for the January through first of April period. There was barely enough snow accumulation in the cold snap to cover roofs and the ground as temperatures dropped Tuesday evening. Temperatures in low areas last Thursday dropped to the 16-degree level in Star City. That cold snap’s affect on fruit crops in the area will be assessed at a later date.