Cassville receives grief grant

Cassville R-IV has been designated a “Grief-Sensitive School” by the New York Life Foundation, receiving a $2,000 Grief-Sensitive Schools Initiative grant in order to better support the mental health of grieving students who are facing trauma.

Eunice Thomas Elementary, Cassville Intermediate, Cassville Middle School and Cassville High School counselor’s departments will each receive $500 per building from the grant.

Schools confront issues of grief and loss every day.

Studies show that unresolved grief can have a social and emotional impact on children, leading to behavioral issues and poor performance in school.

Last semester, Chris Elmer, New York Life Insurance agent, provided grief-sensitive training to district staff during a professional development day.

The Grief-Sensitive Schools Initiative – a pioneering effort that utilizes New York Life’s workforce to help equip local schools to care for the grieving students in their midst – is an extension of the work of the Coalition to Support Grieving Students, a collaboration among leading K-12 professional organizations to develop and deliver best-in-class grief support resources to educators.