Through the years, July 20

50 years ago

July 26, 1972

The Cassville R-4 School District board of directions met Monday night and adopted their 1972-73 budget, which called for expenditures of $1,007.631.

Johnnie Saunders was elected president of the Southwest Saddle Club at Washburn, organized last Friday.

The First Christian Church, Cassville, called Brother Kenneth Washburn, from Kokomo, Ind., as their new pastor.

Cassville sheriff’s deputies Mattingly and Stubblefield are investigating a break-in at Crowe’s Dinner House. Owner Jim Thompson discovered the break-in had happened sometime Tuesday night. He reported approximately $1300.00 had been taken.

Exeter peach grower, Willard Lee, caused much delight on the Cassville square this week with his stand of fresh, ripe peaches. Other peach growers in the area include: Vollenweider Orchards, Brice Cassity and Evan Starkey.

40 years ago

July 21 1982

Jeanette Cowherd, music director for the Cassville schools, was released from St. Vincent’s Hospital in Monett Monday, where she had been a patient receiving treatment for back injuries after being involved in an auto accident caused by hitting a deer near Roaring River State Park.

Larry Lauderdale has been named an assistant football coach at Arkansas City, Kan., junior college. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lauderdale, Cassville, and a CHS football star. He has previously been on the staff at Northeast Oklahoma, at Miami.

Cassville Golf Association has named Fritz Brown of Emporia, Kan., as the golf course manager effective March 1. He will be replacing Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Wyatt, who recently resigned.

New officers of the Cassville Rotary Club include: Joe Preddy, president; Bob Allen, vice president; Don Stockton, secretary-treasurer; and directors, Mark Smith, John Anglum, Ron Miller, Bill Aston and Marvin Gandy.

30 years ago

July 15, 1992

Debbie Lawson has resigned her teaching position at Cassville to accept the position of elementary principal at Exeter School. She has taught at Cassville School for the past 16 years.

Mr. and Mrs. Dale Rowland of Rogers, Ark., celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 8 at Roaring River State Park restaurant. The dinner and reception was hosted by their children and families. The Lewis and Ursula Rowland family moved to the Cassville area in 1933.

Winners in beef and dairy class at the recent Youth Livestock Show were: Holly Terry, Minnie Roberts, Tyler Hinson, Michelle Eck, Mari Stewart, Angie Strafaci, Terry Sheperd, Jimmy Hinson, David Long, Chris Ballay, Steven Green, David McElhany and David Wormington.