100+ Women expands reach

Local organizations may now be nominated for donations

The Monett Museum witnessed a gathering of community-minded women on May 2, as the second quarter meeting of the local 100+ Women organization took place.

The event featured presentations from Katie Dillman, of Make Our Day, and Amy Sampson, representing the Monett Historical Society. After Dillman and her students provided the evening’s meal, she shared insights into how the organization utilized a previous 2023 donation from 100+ Women, highlighting the tangible impact of their contributions.

Sampson provided an update on the Museum’s progress with finishing the new exhibits that were created by four Monett High School classes, highlighting the transformative effects of the first quarter donation. A ribbon cutting for the new exhibits will take place on Thursday at the Monett Museum.

The spotlight then turned to the vote for the second quarter’s nonprofit recipient. The vote was in favor of the Monett Senior Center who plans to invest the donation into a new sound system. The Senior Center shows a strong dedication to improving community life and creating lively connections among its members. The Senior Center will present how the donation has benefited both the Center and its members at the November meeting.

In a momentous decision, the attendees voted to broaden the organization’s scope, renaming the organization as 100+ Women of Barry and Lawrence Counties. This change aims to embrace a wider community, welcoming women from both Barry and Lawrence counties to join the cause. Furthermore, it opens doors for any qualifying non-profits within these counties to be nominated for future donations, amplifying the potential impact across the region.

Looking ahead, the third quarter meeting, scheduled for Aug. 1 at 6 p.m., will be held at the Monett Museum. This meeting will also include a book drive in support of the Community Care Coalition’s literature sharing initiatives. As the organization continues to chart its course towards amplifying impact and effecting meaningful change, the 100+ Women of Barry and Lawrence Counties serves as a beacon of inspiration, reminding residents of the profound difference that collective compassion and collaboration can achieve.

The 100+ Women of Barry and Lawrence Counties aims to show that when women come together with a shared purpose, they have the power to affect meaningful change in their communities. With each meeting, they are not only making a difference but also inspiring others to join them in their mission of generosity and compassion.