Scott Mitchell: God are you there?

Christians, we are not exempt. We too go through seasons where we feel tired, weary, exhausted, or even broken. These are the times when Christians also start to feel there is nowhere to turn. We can feel alone or like everyone is wanting something from us that we just can’t seem to give them.

Depression and disappointment, these are seasons in your life that can leave you wondering, where is God?

God says to His children in Hebrews 13:5, “I will never leave you or forsake you.”

This means that God is still there. He has never left you. Maybe you’re just expecting God to appear to you like He did to Moses, as a “Burning Bush,” or to Daniel as a “Huge Hand” writing on the wall, or maybe as He did to Job as a “tornado.”

It appears that again, like in Jesus’ day, people are wanting to see miracles and are putting their faith in the outcome. They believe that if God is really with them, He would show the fireworks from His presence (miracles, signs, wonders). If nothing huge happens, then “I must be alone.”

We, as Christians, need to learn from the prophet Elijah in 1 Kings chapter 19. Elijah was ready for God to take his life after suffering severe depression and exhaustion.

Elijah had seen God do mighty, mighty things in his life — miraculous things! He began to expect them all the time. When he really needed the comfort of the Lord, he expected and was looking for God to appear in another big, miraculous way.

God told Elijah, “I want to appear to you, go stand on the mountain and wait for me to pass by.” 1 Kings 19:11-12.

Elijah went up and waited and thought “here He comes,” as there was a great, strong, mighty wind that came and was breaking up the rocks of the mountain, but the Lord was not in the wind.

After the wind, a great earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake.

After the earthquake a mighty fire, but the Lord was not in the fire.

But then, there was a still, small voice like a gentle breeze blowing, ‘That was the Lord!’

My friends, don’t spend so much time expecting and looking for God to show up in such a big miraculous way that you miss out on the much more common practice of Him just simply wanting to talk to you, to hug you, to comfort you with His love and His presence!

Everyone needs God in their life. Surrender your life to his Son, Jesus, and He will be there for you too. He will never leave you.

Pray, study your Bible, and wait on the Lord.

He is there! God Bless.

Scott Mitchell is the pastor at Solid Rock Southern Baptist Church, located at 13704 FR 1040 in Exeter. He may be reached at 417-846-6619.