SKITS hosting fall play auditions

“Murder in the House of Horrors” set to run in November

Auditions will be held for the SKITS community theater fall play. “Murder in the House of Horrors,” on Saturday at 10 a.m. at the Central Crossing Senior Center in Shell Knob.

This audience interactive murder mystery/comedy requires a large cast of 15, with seven male and eight female parts, plus several extras.

The play, scheduled to be performed November 11-13 at the Central Community United Methodist Church in Shell Knob, is sure to keep the audience fully engaged and entertained as clues are uncovered that reveal the killer in the electrifying climax. It is a whodunnit that contains as many laughs as it does shivers.

So, whether are a seasoned veteran or an individual new to the theatrical experience, come audition at the Central Crossing Senior Center, located at 20801 YY 15. Anyone who would like to audition but cannot be there Saturday should call 417-459-3017 to schedule another time.