Washburn water and sewer rates increase

The city of Washburn recently raised its water and sewer rates at the beginning of the month.

Emily Arnett, Washburn city clerk, said the water rates went up $1, and the sewer rates went up 50 cents.

“We have to keep up with the cost of operations,” she said. “Every year that I have worked here, we have raised them according to information from our audits, the amount we increase all depends on the economy.”

The base rate for water is $20, and the base rate for sewer is $12.33.

With the increase, the water rate for every 1,000 gallons used after the base rate is $13, and the sewer rate for every 1,000 gallons used after the base is $6.25.

The increase took effect on July 1, 2022.

According to the city of Washburn June minutes, one resident voiced concerns about the raising rates.

“Mayor John Tiedeman informed him of the upkeep maintenance that must be performed to keep the well towers in operation as well as any periodic inspections that are needed to remain in compliance with the Missouri Department of Natural Resources.”