Jim Erwin: Reaching My Potential — Ephesians 3:20-21

We often hear promises about reaching our potential.

They tell us to follow a certain path, subscribe to a social media influencer or simply believe in ourselves. However, the Bible guides us differently. It teaches that God is the one who helps us reach our potential.

In Ephesians 3:20-21, Paul shares insights on how we can reach our potential. The key lies in our relationship with God.

“Now to him who is able to do above and beyond all that we ask or think…” (Ephesians 3:20, CSB) How much can God do? An unimaginably large amount — an amount that is bigger than we could ever conceive.

It’s God-sized because it’s God-empowered. Our dreams, hopes, and goals are not too big for God.

He can exceed our expectations and help us achieve more than we thought possible. When the Lord works in our lives, His power is overwhelming. But we need to tap into God’s power and not struggle on our own.

“…according to the power that works in us…”

(Ephesians 3:20, CSB) God’s power is at work within us. This power isn’t just for apostles, pastors, or spiritual leaders, but for every believer. Recognizing this power is the first step towards reaching our potential. The power that we can harness comes from within.

“…to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus…”

(Ephesians 3:21, CSB) Every achievement, every milestone reached, every potential realized should result in glory to God. Our potential is not for our own glory, but for His.

To give God glory is to give Him the praise, honor, worship, and service that alone belong to Him as God.

We find the most satisfaction when God is most glorified.

Satisfaction and joy are the overflow of lives that give glory to God.

“…to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

(Ephesians 3:21, CSB) If you were to ask a group of people about the primary purpose of the church, you’d likely get a variety of answers.

Some might suggest that the church is a place to form friendships with godly people. It’s where believers strengthen each other in faith and where love is cultivated and shared.

What Paul says about the church, I say about each of us. Reaching our potential isn’t a one-time event. God calls us to reach our potential in all stages of life. He gives us different directions, purposes, and avenues. Yet, we never completely reach our potential.

Learning is for a lifetime.

Years of fruitfulness require continual growth.

Wisdom comes from years of experience.

Reaching our potential requires an eternal perspective.

Our potential isn’t just for this lifetime. God’s power at work within us is for His glory throughout all generations, forever and ever. As we strive to reach our potential, let’s keep an eternal perspective.

Remember, it’s not about what we can do, but about what God can do through us.

Jim Erwin is the pastor at Washburn 1st Baptist Church, located at 618 N. 2nd St. in Washburn. He may be reached at 417-826-5000.

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