Trout Tales

I got in on the slip-n-slide action last week at the Cassville Intermediate School playground. The Cassville Volunteer Fire Protection District hooked up to the hydrant and turned the playground into a sprayground. Like a school of fish, the mass of kids huddled under the water as it fell from the ladder truck like a garden sprinkler. A few, like these two, tested their balance and how far they could slide across the turf. It was a good time for all, and maybe we could do more things like this in town. I vote Sunshine Coffeehouse be on the square at 8 a.m. every Monday with a coffee fountain, or maybe Whitley’s could fill the Aquatic Center pool one Saturday with that cool, crisp fountain soda. Who says the kids should have all the fun?

 Trout Brown is the comics correspondent for the Cassville Democrat, aiming to point out entertaining happenings in Barry County.