Come see The Show!

An annual fall tradition in Cassville for 29 years, The Show will see 21 participants singe 24 songs this year, all backed up by locals in the Hometown Sound and the Red Hots band. Greg Beck, speaking on behalf of The Show’s participants, said the theme for this year is “Sampler.”

“There is such a wide mix of music this year,” he said. “There’s a little bit of everything or everyone.”

Beck said some experienced performers pick their music, and others with experience let Beck choose.

“Some I let pick what they want, and some tell me they don’t want to pick and I should just do it,” he said. “The new people, we work with them to pick something that’s good for them.”

The Show will be performed on three days, 7:30 p.m. on Thursday and Saturday, and 2:30 p.m. on Sunday. The cost is $10 at the door, or $8 in advance with tickets sold at the Cassville Area Chamber of Commerce and local banks.

“We’re excited because we’ve got some new kids in the show,” Beck said. “One is sitting in on drums, and another is playing the ukulele, and they are in seventh and eighth grade. We also have a new eighth-grade vocalist and freshman vocalist, so it’s been really fun working with the kids and watching them develop as we go through rehearsals.”

This week is the first the group will get to rehearse in the Event Center, something Beck always enjoys.

“When we get in the FEMA, it’s bigger and more boomy,” he said. “I love to see the expressions on the kids’ faces when they hear themselves in there and have the lights on them.”

Participants will also do a kids show Thursday afternoon for music and theatre students, something that has been disallowed for two years due to COVID-19.

“We hope people show up,” Beck said. “We’ve worked really hard preparing and getting everything ready. The fun part for us is to get in front of a crowd.”