Through the Years

50 years ago

June 7, 1972

Four members of Cassville Future Farmers of America and their advisor John Ferguson will be going to our nation’s capitol this month to attend the FFA Leadership Conference. Members going are Mike Purdom, Max Henbest, Lynn Moore and Donald Cupps.

First Christian Church Pastor Bert Ward has submitted his resignation to the board and congregation effective July 1. He has served the local church for the past six years.

Cassville Lions Club members, Leo Knouse, Ken House, George Antle and Marlee Edie, didn’t let the 90 degrees temperature bother them while they prepared a blazing fire pit for Saturday’s chicken barbecue for an expected 1,000 attendees.

Max Fields, Rotary president, and John Haddock will represent Cassville Rotary Club at the Rotary International Convention this weekend in Houston, Texas.

40 years ago

June 2 1982

The Oak Hill Cemetery Association received word this week that the McFarland family had agreed to donate four acres of land for the expansion of the cemetery. In exchange for the land the association will construct a road into the property. The road was estimated to cost $5,000. The McFarlands once owned Crystal Caverns Park in Cassville.

Emmanuel Baptist Church in Cassville announced the arrival of their new pastor, Bro. Kenneth D. Mathes, of Queen City. He will be replacing Bro. Bob Neely who resigned recently to accept a church in Arkansas.

A couple of Cassville students have been accorded scholastic honors for last year’s work. Included were Gregory Goff, cum laude and freshman John L. Horner, dean’s honor list.

Sixteen students from Barry County received their Bachelor of Science degrees at Southwest Missouri State University this spring. They are: Malinda Allman, Leaia Marney, Marcia Henbest, Jeff VanZandt, John Beckwith, Lisa Lamp, Wayne Kay, Peter Watson, Jan Crist, Myra Norris, George Abramovitz, Norman Gibbons, Steven Williams and Johnathan Jennings.

30 years ago

May 27, 1992

Bro. Hugh and Hazel Higgs, of Exeter, will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary on June 7 with an open house at the Exeter City Hall.

On the June 2 ballot will be a chance to vote on the proposed Southwest Rural Water District to serve Ash, Washburn, south Flat Creek and south Exeter townships.

A special Memorial Dedication program will be conducted Saturday by the Irwin-Easley American Legion Post 118 of Cassville to dedicate the newly installed engraved stone that honors veterans of all services. The master of ceremonies will be Harold Reese, past commander.