
WORKING WOMEN: His House: A place for families to heal

When Trina Colwell talks about His House Foundation — the non-profit, residential, life-transformation program she played a part in establishing in Shell Knob — her face lights up, her voice becomes passionate and her tongue takes on a will of its own. When Colwell, the broker/owner of ReMAX Lakeside Realty, moved to the Shell Knob area in 2009, she brought with her donated funds earmarked for use in the start-up of a new non-profit organization in the lakeside community where she would be making her home.
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SENIOR LIVING: Life’s short — take a trip!

Jerry Varner, of Washurn, said it was kind of a fluke how he and his wife, Angie, got into the group tour business. “I’d been a dairy farmer for 20 years when my mother-in-law, who guided group tours, scheduled me to go on a group motor coach bus tour to Colorado and Utah with a bunch of senior adults,” he said. “Turns out, I had so much fun that I thought Angie and I might be able to make a business out of it.”
Read MoreSENIOR LIVING: Life’s short — take a trip!