I was assigned to take photos at the reindeer games assembly at Cassville High School on Friday,
and I as surprised to see the Student Council was thrusting teachers into the action this year.
Here, Coach Tinker Kinser has all the grace of a baby seal as he keeps his arms up for Coach
Matthew Allen to push him to the tic tac toe board, a game the pair won against their also teacher
opponents. Through the assembly, we learned a lot about the newest teachers at Cassville High
School, including which ones had been sent to the principal’s office as a student (both of these
guys were), and how hard it is to knock over water bottles using a tennis ball in a pair of panty
hose strapped to your head. There was only a little cheating. The assembly was a great final
assignment for 2023. Since starting my comics correspondent position in February, I have found
a point in the community to poke nearly each week. From sledding to buildings torn down, first
pitches to elections and graduations to a horse loose in town, there has been little shortage of
happy moments to highlight in Cassville this year. I hope to keep the fun going in 2024!
Trout Brown is the comics correspondent for the Cassville Democrat, aiming to point out entertaining happenings in Barry County.