Jig On the Water

July 19, 2023

Fishing has been good all week. We got some needed rain and the river came a bit, at 28 CFS as of Sunday. It’s still low and it got a bit dirty, but it is clearing nicely.

Fly fishing is still very good, lots of good dry fly fishing now, beetles, ants, hoppers, cracklebacks, small gray and cream midges early in the morning, caddis, blue wing olive, and adams dries are still working very well.

Black, olive, brown and white wooly Buggers have been very effective all week.

Black, olive, brown and red zebra midges were pretty good all last week, and pheasant tails and sow bugs were also good all last week. We are still catching them on scuds, burlaps and gold ribbed hares ears.

I am still recommending 6X or 7X leaders, 9’ or longer with the clear water we are having at the moment. Two-pound line is still best for spinning equipment.

Marabou jigs have been working great, black/yellow, olive, white and tan have been good colors, the little ozark jigs and the micro jigs are very good right now, same colors.

Plastic eggs are still working very well in white, orange, yellow, and fish oil. Pink has been pretty good when the water is dingy.

Plastic worms are also great right now in pink, yellow, white and orange were good last week.

Spinners are still good, early in the mornings. Black, pink, yellow and brown have all been good colors.

A few people are still reporting good catches on small spoons and little crankbaits.

Good luck on the river this week!

Roaring River State Park trout-fishing tips are provided by Tim Homesley, owner of Tim’s Fly Shop, located at 23387 Hwy. 112.